lily pad[ˈlili pæd]
lily pad
- n.floating leaves of a water lily
lily padlily padLILY PADRecognizing the protruding eye.Picking Up a $170 Billion Tab: How U.S. Taxpayers Are Paying the Pentagon to Occupy the PlanetThe Lily-Pad StrategyHIF-1α regulates function and differentiation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the tumor microenvironmentEVALUASI DAYA TAMPUNG SISTEM DRAINASE PADA JALAN PADAT KARYA KOTA SAMARINDAWACANA KEKUASAAN ANDI ARIEF PADA PENELITIAN GUNUNG PADANG DI HARIAN UMUM PIKIRAN RAKYATCorzo CA, Condamine T, Lu L et al.HIF-1alpha regulates function and differentiation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the tumor...Corzo CA, Condamine T, Lu L, Cotter MJ, Youn JI, Cheng P, Cho HI, Celis E, Quiceno DG, Padhya T, McCaffrey TV, McCaffrey JC, Gabrilo...A less painful screening mammogram for Asian women.The College of Podiatry Annual Conference 2015: meeting abstracts