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Measuring VulnerabilityPRIMARY MENINGEAL SARCOMATOSIS (PMS): A CASE REPORT WITH CYTOGENETIC FINDINGS AND A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE: 135Identification of a candidate tumour suppressor gene, MMAC1, at chromosome 10q23.3 that is mutated in multiple advanced cancersMalignant astrocytic glioma: genetics, biology, and paths to treatmentp16INK4a induces an age-dependent decline in islet regenerative potential.Coactivation of Receptor Tyrosine Kinases Affects the Response of Tumor Cells to Targeted TherapiesCustomer Satisfaction and Word of MouthEpidermal growth factor receptor and Ink4a/Arf: convergent mechanisms governing terminal differentiation and transformation along th...Downstream Ecological Effects of DamsAcquisition of Granule Neuron Precursor Identity Is a Critical Determinant of Progenitor Cell Competence to Form Shh-Induced Medullo...