liberal studies
Liberal studies.Liberal StudiesLIBERAL STUDIESLiberal Studies in Engineering - Workshop ReportLiberal Studies in Hong Kong: A new perspective on critical thinking through group workThe policies of reintroducing Liberal Studies into Hong Kong secondary schoolsImages of Scientists: A Comparison of Biology and Liberal Studies MajorsA qualitative examination of the attitudes of Liberal Studies markers towards onscreen marking in Hong KongMarkers' perceptions regarding the onscreen marking of Liberal Studies in the Hong Kong public examination systemPhilosophical issues in the vocational-liberal studies controversy (1900–1917): John Dewey vs. the social efficiency philosophersLearning to teach in a context of education reform: liberal studies student teachers' decision‐making in lesson planningThe formation of a school subject and the nature of curriculum content: an analysis of liberal studies in Hong KongMarketized private tutoring as a supplement to regular schooling: Liberal Studies and the shadow sector in Hong Kong secondary educa...