legist英 ['li:dʒɪst] 美 ['lidʒɪst]
- A Legist, from the Latin lex 'law', is any expert or student of law.
A MEDICO-LEGIST ON SUICIDEWu jingxiong:Legist beyond East-WestPrimary Reviews on Legist Political Thoughts Normalizing Royal PowerDiagnostic Value of Legist Discreminant Analysis in Primary Hepatocellular CarcinomaChapter 5: Legalism/Legism (fajia) and legalist/legist teachingsOn the Relation of Taoist and Legist Ideas in Huainanzi:Taking Yuandaoxun as the Center of StudyA Tentative Approach to The Difference Between Confucian & Legist Outlooks on PenaltyOperate the Legist Way and Establish the Management Power——Thought about the Book of "The Way of Legist Management"Wrote by Zhang...Conception d'un logiciel de traitement et d'inlerrogations statistiques de données LegistHUKUKÇU YAZARLARIN ROMANLARINDA İNSAN HAKLARI VE DEMOKRASİ HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY IN NOVELS OF AUTHORS WITH A LEGIST BACKGROUND