释义[地名] [美国] 利迪;
Economic Analysis of the Leedey Emergency Medical ServiceSulfur Loss from Thermally Treated Leedey (L6) SamplesThe Leedey, Oklahoma, chondrite: Fall, petrology, chemistry and an unusual Fe, Ni‐FeS inclusionExperimental partial melting of the L6 ordinary chondrite, LeedeyAbundances of monoisotopic REE, consistent with the Leedey chondrite valuesDisequilibrium partial melting on the Leedey L6 chondrite: Textural controls on the melting processesDisequilibrium partial melting experiments on the Leedey L6 chondrite: Textural controls on melting processesShock effects and argon loss in samples of the leedey l6 chondrite experimentally shocked to 29–70 GA pressuresDie Produktionsraten von 36Cl und 39Ar in Metall- und Steinphase des Chondriten LeedeyTHE PRODUCTION RATES OF $sup 36$Cl AND $sup 39$Ar IN METAL AND STONE PHASES OF THE LEEDEY CHONDRITE