释义[医]综合征:本征特点为腭裂,面部扁平,多处关节先天性脱位,及足畸形;[人名] 拉森;[地名] [荷兰、美国] 拉森;
- Larsen , is a Danish-Norwegian patronymic surname, literally meaning "son of Lars"(equivalent of Laurentius). It is the seventh most common surname in Denmark, shared by about 2,4% of the population.
用作名词(n.)- Larsen's frost-blackened lips curved cynically.
拉森冻得乌紫的嘴唇撇了一下,一副愤世疾俗的样子。 - Evidence of global warming is starkly apparent in before-and-after pictures of the Larsen Ice Shelf in the Antarctic, above, in 1999.
Multifactorial intervention and cardiovascular disease in patients with type 2 diabetes.Greengenes, a Chimera-Checked 16S rRNA Gene Database and Workbench Compatible with ARBGreengenes: Chimera-checked 16S rRNA gene database and workbenchcompatible in ARBApproximation theorems of mathematical statisticsApproximation Theorems of Mathematical Statistics by R. J. SerflingThe Ribosomal Database Project.Multifactorial Intervention and Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes 10.1056/NEJMoa021778Cloning, sequence and expression of two distinct human interleukin-1 complementary DNAs.Clinical practice guidelines for the management of cryptococcal disease: 2010 update by the infectious diseases society of america.Long-term postoperative cognitive dysfunction in the elderly ISPOCD1 study. ISPOCD investigators. International Study of Post-Operat...