lapidarian英 [ˌlæpɪ'deərɪən] 美 [ˌlæpə'derɪrn]
- adj.inscribed on stone
"a lapidarian record"
도시 콘텍스트를 반영하는 성곽복원에 대한 제안으로서의 “라피데리안 도시(Lapidarian City)"의 계획안Thought Perspective of Logic in Lapidarian Scriptures of Tibetan AreasContributions to North American Ethnology, Volume V, Part I: Observations on cup-shaped and other lapidarian sculptures in the Old W...A neurologist's escape to lapidarian delights.Observations on cup-shaped and other lapidarian sculptures in the Old World and in AmericaCup shaped and other lapidarian sculptures, Observations onChristianity and History by H. Butterfield (review)A review of the role of predatory mites in the biological control of lucerne flea, Sminthurus viridis (L.) (Collembola: Sminthuridae...Lapidaria (Dinter & Schwantes) N.E.Br.The Morphology and Life Cycle of Euryhelmis monorchis n. sp. (Trematoda) from the Mink