labour law英 [ˈleibə lɔ:] 美 [ˈlebɚ lɔ]
Labour law
- Labour law (also labor law or employment law) mediates the relationship between workers (employees), employers, trade unions and the government. Collective labour law relates to the tripartite relationship between employee, employer and union.
- He is a barrister specializing in employment law.
他是对劳工法有专门研究的大律师。 - Chirac will rescind labor law that caused wide French riots.
Labour LawLabour LawLabour LawLabour Law, Work, and FamilyLAWS6816 - Labour Law in the Global EconomyPrinciples of Labour Law (730-436 LAWS40050)Labour law in Europe : with special reference to the common marketMODERNISINGLABOUR LAWTO MEET THECHALLENGESOF THE21STCENTURYAustralian Labour Law Association 2014 Conference (ALLA) Contact UsEssential Labour Law, A.C. Basson, M.A. Christianson, C. Garbers, P.A.K. Le Roux...LAWS6195 - Immigration & Labour Law - Continued Professional Development - The University of SydneyLabour Movement and Labour Law: Development of Two Introductory Units for Secondary Students. ERIBC Reports. Report No. 79:1.Rethinking Place of Work: Federal Labour Law Framework for Contemporary Home-based Work and Its Prospects in Australia