labiodental英 [ˌleɪbiəʊˈdentl] 美 [ˌleɪbioʊˈdentl]
labiodental[ ,leibiəu'dentəl ]
labiodentallabiodentalLabiodental Flaps in MangbetuVoiced labiodental fricatives or glides - all the same to Germans?Labiodental fronting of /θ/ in London and Edinburgh: a cross-dialectal studyLexical Frequency and Voiced Labiodental-Bilabial Variation in New Mexican SpanishAnother chapter in the story of /r/: ‘Labiodental’ variants in British EnglishEl alófono labiodental sonoro [v] del fonema /b/ en el castellano de Concepción (Chile): una investigación exploratoriaContext effects in two-month-old infants' perception of labiodental/interdental fricative contrasts.Lip and mandible coordination during the production of bilabial and labiodental consonants in English