- adj.
- 以金钱为目的的;贪财的;唯利是图的
- (兵等)雇佣的;被雇佣在外国军队中的
- n.
A Part of the history of the Moroccan central state: Mercenariness :Reflections on the Current Ecological Problems of China's Film ActivitiesThe Economic Degeneration of Masculinity in Rafael Chirbes's En la orillaNezištnosť – altruizmusMalpractice of Industrialization and Marketization in Higher EducationThe Tragic Life of Cao Qi-qiaoLegal Control over the Abuse of Administrative DiscretionTransport of recently settled soft-shell clams ( Mya arenaria L.) in laboratory flume flowRural wage labour in the sixteenth-century Low Countries: an assessment of the importance and nature of wage labour in the countrysi...Simon Chesterman and Chia Lehnardt (eds). From Mercenaries to Market. The Rise and Regulation of Private Military Companies