释义[人名] 曼德尔布罗特;
- n.French mathematician (born in Poland) noted for inventing fractals (born in 1924)
同义词:Benoit Mandelbrot
The Fractal Geometry of NatureThe fractal geometry of nature.The variation of certain speculative pricesThe Variation of Certain Speculative PricesFractional Brownian Motions, Fractional Noises and ApplicationsFractals: form, chance and dimension.How Long Is the Coast of Britain? Statistical Self-Similarity and Fractional DimensionMaternal Virus Load during Pregnancy and Mother-to-Child Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1: The French Perinatal C...Fractal character of fracture surfaces of metalsIntermittent turbulence in self-similar cascades: divergence of high moments and dimension of the carrier