mammiform英 ['mæmɪfɔ:m] 美 ['mæmɪfɔm]
Trematosphaeria mammiformisDorsal view of a mammiform and glazed vessel footCytology of Rosellinia mammiformis and R. aquilaCytology of Rosellinia mammiformis and Rosellinia aquilaRight lateral view of a mammiform and glazed vessel footGEOCHEMISTRY OF UPPER DEVONIAN MAMMIFORM CHERT IN GUANGXIMAMMIFORM STRUCTURE OF UPPER DEVONIANIN MUGUI, GUANGXI PROVINCE AND ITSGEOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCEA Morphological Study of Solanum mammosum and Its Mammiform FruitThe Fine Structure of the Ascus Apex in Hypoxylon serpens, Poronia punctata, Rosellinia aquila, and R. mammiformisfine structure of the ascus apex in Hypoxylon serpens, Poronia punctata, Rosellinia aquila, and Rosellinia mammiformis