- Malphigian is an attribute to several anatomical structures:
The Malpighian tubule: rapid insights from post-genomic biology.Secretion by the Malpighian Tubules of Rhodnius. The Movements of Ions and WaterTransport mechanisms of diuresis in Malpighian tubules of insects.The adult Drosophila malpighian tubules are maintained by multipotent stem cells.A structural basis for fluid secretion by malpighian tubulesThe malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster: a novel phenotype for studies of fluid secretion and its control.The Developmental, Molecular, and Transport Biology of Malpighian TubulesSeparate control of anion and cation transport in malpighian tubules of Drosophila Melanogaster.Leucokinins, a new family of ion transport stimulators and inhibitors in insect Malpighian tubules.Metabolism of an Insect Diuretic Hormone by Malpighian Tubules Studied by Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Electrospray Ionization...