maleficent英 [mə'lefɪsnt] 美 [məˈlɛfɪsənt]
maleficent[ mə'lefisənt ]
- adj.harmful or evil in intent or effect
MaleficentMALEFICENTMaleficent (2014)Redefining Disability: Maleficent, Unjust and InconsistentExploding lakes and maleficent water in Grassfields legends and mythExternal social accountability: adventures in a maleficent worldSYSTEM AND METHOD FOR IDENTIFICATION, DETECTION AND INVESTIGATION OF MALEFICENT ACTSRe-visioning Negative Archetypes of Disability and Deformity in Fantasy: Wicked, Maleficent, and Game of ThronesLetting gendered spaces go: Striving toward gender and nature balance through bonding in Disney's "Frozen"and "Maleficent"Mandatory influenza vaccination for health care workers as the new standard of care: a matter of patient safety and nonmaleficent pr...