Malcolm really fancies himself in his new outfit. 马尔科姆穿着新的全套衣装实在很自负。
When Malcolm takes charge his blue blood begins to show. 当马尔科姆掌管时,他的名门出身便开始显露出来了。
Towards an analysis of discourse :Clinical pharmacokinetics:concepts and applicationsFrzb, a Secreted Protein Expressed in the Spemann Organizer, Binds and Inhibits Wnt-8The Object-oriented Database System ManifestoCholesterol Modification of Sonic Hedgehog Is Required for Long-Range Signaling Activity and Effective Modulation of Signaling by Ptc1The Old and New Institutionalism: Can Bridges Be Built?American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists Guideline Recommendations for Immunohistochemical Testing of ...Technology Policy and Economic Performance. Lessons from JapanZD1839, a selective oral epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase inhibitor, is well tolerated and active in patients with s...Investor Sentiment and the Cross‐Section of Stock Returns