make public英 [meik ˈpʌblik] 美 [mek ˈpʌblɪk]
American vs. European Public Administration: Does Public Administration Make the Modern State, or Does the State Make Public Adminis...The FDA Should Eliminate the Ambiguities in the Current BCS Biowaiver Guidance and Make Public the Drugs for which BCS Biowaivers Ha...Does Making Journalism More Public Make a Difference? A Critical Review of Evaluative Research on Public Journalismmothers who make things publicDo United States-based Medicaid spend-down programmes make public sense for persons with HIV/AIDS?Helping the Public Make Health Risk DecisionsHOW TO MAKE PUBLIC NETWORKS REALLY WORK: A QUALITATIVE COMPARATIVE ANALYSISDoes public support make a difference, and for whom?Does the Endowment of Contributors Make a Difference in Threshold Public-Good Games?Bring me sunshine: EU drug companies make payments to doctors public.