make a big deal out of英 [meik ə biɡ di:l aut ɔv] 美 [mek e bɪɡ dil aʊt ʌv]
用作动词(v.)- That's why we're making such a fuss over her.
所以我们才为她这么小题大作。 - Don't make much ado about nothing.
My Identity Is in My Bones - but Let's Not Make a Big Deal out of ItCurrent affairs: with hands shuffling decks of cars, ferries don't make a big deal out of conveying commuters across the Cape Fear r...Don't make a big deal out of itFoul Language Isn't the Curse of GAA So Let' A So Let's Not Make a Big Deal out of ItCigarette butt at the beach! Why make a big deal out of it???It's smart to make a big deal out of negotiating.(Knight Ridder Newspapers)Making a Big Deal Out of NanotechnologyMaking a Big Deal out of NothingMaking a Big Deal out Of NothingMaking A Big Deal Out Of The Big 10.