Porphyromonas gingivalis -related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase p...STABILITY OF MAJORLY EFFICIENT POINTS AND SOLUTIONS IN MULTIOBJECTIVE PROGRAMMINGTectonic implication on the lithosphere evolution of the Tibet Plateau青藏高原岩石圈演化的记录:藏北超钾质及钠质火山岩的岩石学与地球...Effects of an educational program on self-management in patients with epilepsy.Racket frameAbundant extracellular products and methods for their production and useBUCCAL DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM: THE CURRENT INTERESTCross-Genome Clustering of Human and C. elegans G-Protein Coupled ReceptorsPedestrian Detection in Crowded ScenesCapacity Planning for Web Services: metrics, models, and methods