magnetic equator英 [mæɡˈnetik iˈkweitə] 美 [mæɡˈnɛtɪk ɪˈkwetɚ]
magnetic equator
- imaginary line paralleling the equator where a magnetic needle has no dip
同义词:aclinic line
magnetic equatorPlasma observations at the Earth's magnetic equatorInterplanetary sector structure and the helliomagnetic equatorInterplanetary sector structure and the heliomagnetic equator. Report of January 1971June 1972Vertical drift velocities and east-west electric fields at the magnetic equatorComparison of ionosonde and incoherent scatter drift measurements at the magnetic equatorEquatorial plasma depletion precursor signatures and onset observed at 11° south of the magnetic equatorThe Guará Campaign: A series of rocket‐radar investigations of the Earth's upper atmosphere at the magnetic equatorA simulation study on the semiannual variation of the ionospheric F2 layer zonal electric fields at the magnetic equatorA simulation study on the semiannual variation of the ionospheric F2 layer zonal electric fields at the magnetic equator