machmeter[ 'mɑ:k,mi:tə ]
- n.speedometer for measuring the speed of an aircraft relative to the speed of sound
Mach meterMach meterMachmeterAirspeed IndicatorAirspeed IndicatorNature of the interaction of heparin with acidic fibroblast growth factorAn investigation into the use of spatial coordinates for the genetic algorithm based solution of the fixture layout optimization pro...Lysosomal Membrane Permeabilization is an Early Event in Sigma-2 Receptor Ligand Mediated Cell Death in Pancreatic CancerMolecular characteristics of some commercial high-molecular-weight hyaluronansMolecular Basis of Enrofloxacin Affinity to a Membrane Channel of E. Coli - When Binding Does Not Imply TranslocationMorphology of atherosclerotic coronary arteriesFrequency Dependence of Impedance of Adhesive JointsTo Swirl or to Press – That is the Question