释义[人名] 麦克亚当斯;
King of the hills: environmentalist Joe Edmiston might be the most powerful unelected official in Los Angeles.(ENVIRONMENT)(Biography)Get the Money: A NovelBen Hecht The Man Behind The LegendBirth of the coolBitumen Emulsions for Storage GradeLife And Death Of A BookA Comparison of Aprotinin and Lysine Analogues in High-Risk Cardiac SurgeryComparative efficacy and safety of remifentanil and fentanyl in 'fast track' coronary artery bypass graft surgery: a randomized, dou...Midazolam coinduction does not delay discharge after very brief propofol anaesthesiaInterrelationship of preoperative anemia, intraoperative anemia, and red blood cell transfusion as potentially modifiable risk facto...