nylghau英 ['nɪlgɔ:] 美 ['nɪlgɔ]
Note on the Suborbital Gland of the NylghauFurther contributions to the anatomy of the giraffe and the nylghauAn Account of the Nyl-Ghau, an Indian Animal, Not Hitherto Described: By William Hunter, M. D. F. R. S.XXI. An account of the Nyl-ghau, an Indian animal, not hitherto described:On the development of CyprisThe ABC of animalsThe Natural history of quadrupedsTHE ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF PRINTING GREEK IN THE IFTrEENTH CENTURYDecreased mitochondrial nitric oxide synthase activity and hydrogen peroxide relate persistent tumoral proliferation to embryonic be...Life History Variation in Inconnu (Stenodus leucichthys) and Burbot (Lota lota)