释义[医][=The New York Academy of Science]纽约科学院;
- Nyas means establishment. It means establishment of your own desired God within your desired body organ accompanied by chanting of mantras.
Stewart, J. Neurobiology of conditioning to drug of abuse. NYAS, 1992, 654, 335-346Quoting Customer Lead TimesQuoting customer lead timesOptimal Admission Control and Sequencing in a Make-To-Stock/Make-To-Order Production SystemOptimal Policies for Inventory Systems with Priority Demand ClassesOn the origin of carrier localization in Ga1−xInxNyAs1−y/GaAs quantum wellsMaternal Pre-Pregnancy Obesity and Diagnosis of Asthma in Offspring at Age 3 YearsPATERNITY LEAVE AND FATHERS’ INVOLVEMENT WITH THEIR YOUNG CHILDRENLow birthweight and asthma among young urban children.Integrated maintenance and production control of a deteriorating production system