abbr.non-ultrasonic oscillation 非超声振荡;
Role of the O-antigen of lipopolysaccharide, and possible roles of growth rate and of NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (nuo) in compet...Infrared spectra and pseudopotential calculations for NUO+, NUO, and NThO in solid neonNUO 2901 Detection of the adrenal glands by endoscopic and transabdominal ultrasoundPhenolic glycosides from Nuo-Mi-Xang-Cao, a Chinese acanthaceous herbPoster Theme Design of Meishan Nuo MaskCigarette smoking and invasive pneumococcal disease.Antibiotic prescription rates for acute respiratory tract infections in US ambulatory settings.Decline in pneumonia admissions after routine childhood immunisation with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in the USA: a time-series a...Zhang, L. et al. Genomic and epigenetic alterations deregulate microRNA expression in human epithelial ovarian cancer. Proc. Natl. A...Transcription factor RORα is critical for nuocyte development