nudibranch英 ['nju:dɪbræŋk] 美 ['njudɪˌbræŋk]
nudibranch[ 'nju:dibræŋk ]
- n.any of various marine gastropods of the suborder Nudibranchia having a shell-less and often beautifully colored body
同义词:sea slug
Terpenoids from the dorid nudibranch cadlina luteomarginataA chemical defense mechanism for the nudibranch cadlina luteomarginataUlapualide A and B, extraordinary antitumor macrolides from nudibranch eggmassesDefensive chemicals of the Spanisch dancer nudibranch Hexabranchus sanguineus and its egg ribbons: macrolides derived from a sponge...Macrocyclic antifungal metabolites from the Spanish dancer nudibranch Hexabranchus sanguineus and sponges of the genus HalichondriaChemInform Abstract: Ulapualide A (Ia) and B (Ib), Extraordinary Antitumor Macrolides from Nudibranch Eggmasses.ChemInform Abstract: Laulimalides: New Potent Cytotoxic Macrolides from a Marine Sponge and a Nudibranch PredatorThe genetic structure of intertidal populations of two species of nudibranch molluscs with planktotrophic and pelagic lecithotrophic...ChemInform Abstract: New Imidazole Alkaloids from the Sponge leucetta sp. and the Associated Predatory Nudibranch Notodoris gardineriChemInform Abstract: Bioactive Marine Metabolites. Part 13. Kabiramide C, a Novel Antifungal Macrolide from Nudibranch Egg Masses