释义[地名] [克罗地亚、美国] 诺维;
Two pelobatid frogs from the Tertiary of North America and their relationships to fossil and Recent forms. American Museum novitates...Challenging beliefs: ex Africa semper aliquid noviNational and European identity and attitudes toward the European integrations in Zagreb and Novi SadVaccination against equine influenza: Quid novi?Povijesne ceste kao novi turistički izazovNew model of pipeline route monitoring and data validation by using drones and Lean management (Novi model nadzora cjevovoda i valid...An efficient protocol for regeneration and transformation of
Symphyotrichum novi-bel...Poslovna in okoljska politika do sistema ločenega zbiranja odpadkov ob novi naložbi v majhnem podjetjuNOVI POSTUPAK SINTEZE N-ALKIL- I N,N-DIALKIL-O-ETIL- I O-IZOPROPILTIO- KARBAMATA OKSIDACIJOM AMINSKIH SOLI KSANTOGENE KISELINEActive Tamoxifen Metabolite Plasma Concentrations After Coadministration of Tamoxifen and the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor...