拼音:煤的拼音是 “méi”。
- 煤炭 (méi tàn) - coal
- 煤矿 (méi kuàng) - coal mine
- 煤气 (méi qì) - coal gas / town gas
- 煤油 (méi yóu) - kerosene
- 中国是世界上最大的煤炭生产国之一。
- China is one of the largest producers of coal in the world.
- 工人们在煤矿中工作时必须非常小心,以确保安全。
- Workers must be very careful when working in a coal mine to ensure safety.
- 过去,许多家庭用煤气做饭和取暖。
- In the past, many families used coal gas for cooking and heating.
- 农村地区的一些家庭仍然使用煤油灯照明。
- Some families in rural areas still use kerosene lamps for lighting.