贼 “zéi”
- 贼人 (zéi rén) - thief
- 捉贼 (zhuō zéi) - catch a thief
- 贼心 (zéi xīn) - evil intentions
- 贼船 (zéi chuán) - a boat of thieves (often used metaphorically to refer to joining a bad group or situation)
- 他被怀疑是那个商店的贼人。 (Tā bèi yíwù shì nàgè shāngdiàn de zéi rén.) - He is suspected of being the thief in that store.
- 民警迅速捉贼,保障了居民的安全。 (Mínjǐng xùsù zhuō zéi, bǎozhàngle jūmín de ānquán.) - The police caught the thief quickly, ensuring the safety of the residents.
- 不要以为他改过自新了,他的贼心还没死。 (Bùyào yǐwéi tā gǎiguò zìxīn le, tā de zéi xīn háiméi sǐ.) - Don't think he has reformed; his evil intentions haven't died yet.
- 一旦上了贼船,就很难脱身。 (Yīdàn shàngle zéi chuán, jiù hěn nán tuōshēn.) - Once you join a bad group or situation, it's hard to get out.