- 老鼠 (lǎo shǔ) - mouse
- 鼠标 (shǔ biāo) - computer mouse
- 鼠洞 (shǔ dòng) - rat hole
- 鼠辈 (shǔ bèi) - rabble (derogatory term, literally means "rat generation")
- 鼠目寸光 (shǔ mù cùn guāng) - short-sighted (idiom)
- 我在厨房里看到了一只老鼠。 (Wǒ zài chúfáng lǐ kàndào yī zhī lǎoshǔ.) - I saw a mouse in the kitchen.
- 请把鼠标移到屏幕的右下角。 (Qǐng bǎ shǔbiāo yídòng dào píngmù de yòu xiàjiǎo.) - Please move the mouse to the lower right corner of the screen.
- 农夫发现谷仓里有个老鼠打的鼠洞。 (Nóngfū fāxiàn gǔcāng lǐ yǒu gè lǎoshǔ dǎ de shǔdòng.) - The farmer found a rat hole in the grain storage shed made by a mouse.
- 他不屑地说那些人都是鼠辈。 (Tā bùxiè de shuō nàxiē rén dōu shì shǔbèi.) - He said disdainfully that those people were all riff-raff.
- 不要鼠目寸光,应该看得更远些。 (Bùyào shǔmùcùnguāng, yīnggāi kànde gèng yuǎnxiē.) - Don't be short-sighted; you should look further ahead.