normative analysis[ˈnɔrmətɪv əˈnælɪsɪs]
Normative AnalysisSinging for Shamu Competing Normative Discourses of Global Whaling Management A Thesis Presented by Sameer HImplicit measures: A normative analysis and review.Is Guanxi Ethical? A Normative Analysis of Doing Business in ChinaThe role of adaptation to disability and disease in health state valuation: a preliminary normative analysis.When one cause casts doubt on another: A normative analysis of discounting in causal attribution.Identification problems and decisions under ambiguity: Empirical analysis of treatment response and normative analysis of treatment ...Division of Labor in Policy Evaluation: Is There a Role for Normative Analysis?What Do Corporations Have to Do with Fair Trade? Positive and Normative Analysis from a Value Chain PerspectiveGrowth Effects of Income and Consumption Taxes: Positive and Normative Analysis