normal contact英 [ˈnɔ:məl ˈkɔntækt] 美 [ˈnɔrməl ˈkɑnˌtækt]
Measurement and Modeling of Normal Contact Stiffness and Contact Damping at the Meso ScaleNormal contact of elastic spheres with two elastic layers as a model of joint articulationElastoPlastic Normal Contact of Three-Dimensional Fractal Surfaces Using Halfspace TheoryFinite element analysis of an elastic-plastic two-layer half-space: normal contactOn the accuracy of the Hertz model to describe the normal contact of soft elastic spheresNormal contact of fractal surfaces—Experimental and numerical investigationsGreen's function in proximity-contact superconducting-normal double layersSuperconducting transition temperature of proximity-contact superconducting-normal double layersTheory of the Andreev reflection and the density of states in proximity contact normal-superconducting infinite double-layerHIV infection through normal heterosexual contact in Uganda.