norite英 ['nɔ:raɪt] 美 ['nɒraɪt]
Alkali norite, troctolites, and VHK mare basalts from breccia 14304U-Th-Pb isotopic systematics of lunar norite 78235A note on post-failure stress-strain path dependence in noritePalaeomagnetism of the Msissi norite (Morocco) and the Palaeozoic reconstruction of GondwanalandStructure and Petrology of a Cumulus Norite Boulder Sampled by Apollo 17 in Taurus-Littrow Valley, the MoonGlobal Intracratonic Boninite-Norite Magmatism during the NeoarcheanâPaleoproterozoic: Evidence from the Central Indian Bastar ...Geochemical and isotopic study of a norite-eclogite transition in the European Variscan belt: Implications for U-Pb zircon systemati...The Pan-African Kekem gabbro-norite (West-Cameroon), U–Pb zircon age, geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotopes: Geodynamical implication fo...Ion and electron microprobe study of troctolites, norite, and anorthosites from Apollo 14: evidence for urKREEP assimilation during ...Comparative petrology of lunar cumulate rocks of possible primary origin - Dunite 72415, troctolite 76535, norite 78235, and anortho...