nonbeing英 ['nɒn'bi:ɪŋ] 美 ['nɒn'bɪɪŋ]
nonbeing[ 'nɔn'bi:iŋ ]
NonbeingAGAINST AGAINST NONBEINGBeyond being and nonbeingProblems of Negation and Nonbeing,'Two Problems of Being and Nonbeing in Sartre's Being and NothingnessThrough the Hellish Zone of Nonbeing: Thinking through Fanon, Disaster, and the Damned of the EarthThrough the Zone of Nonbeing A Reading of Black Skin, White Masks in Celebration of Fanon's Eightieth BirthdayLI ? AND QI ? IN THE YIJING ????: A RECONSIDERATION OF BEING AND NONBEING IN CHINESE PHILOSOPHY *LI 禮 AND QI 氣 IN THE YIJING 《易經》: A RECONSIDERATION OF BEING AND NONBEING IN CHINESE PHILOSOPHYThomas Aquinas on the Distinction and Derivation of the Many from the One: A Dialectic between Being and Nonbeing