noctuid英 ['nɒktʃʊɪd] 美 ['nɒktʃʊɪd]
noctuid[ 'nɔktʃuid ]
Ultrasonic reception by the tympanic organ of noctuid mothsMass-Rearing of the Larvae of Nine Noctuid Species on a Simple Artificial MediumBaculovirus resistance in the noctuid Spodoptera exempta is phenotypically plastic and responds to population densityConvergent patterns of long-distance nocturnal migration in noctuid moths and passerine birdsVariation in Susceptibility of Noctuid (Lepidoptera) Larvae Attacking Cotton and Soybean to Purified Endotoxin Proteins and Commerci...Effects of Moonlight and Meteorological Factors on Light and Bait Trap Catches of Noctuid Moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)Activation of plant foliar oxidases by insect feeding reduces nutritive quality of foliage for noctuid herbivoresImpact of oxidized plant phenolics on the nutritional quality of dietary protein to a noctuid herbivore, Spodoptera exiguaA modified droplet feeding method for rapid assay of Bacillus thuringiensis and baculoviruses in noctuid larvaeAn Expressed Sequence Tag collection from the male antennae of the Noctuid moth Spodoptera littoralis : a resource for olfactory and...