- n.type genus of the Noctuidae: moths whose larvae are cutworms
同义词:genus Noctua
NOCTUA PRONUBA, A EUROPEAN CUTWORM, ESTABLISHED IN NOVA SCOTIA (LEPIDOPTERA: NOCTUIDAE)Possible migration of Noctua pronuba (L.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) at Lizard Point, CornwallCelestial orientation by the large yellow underwing moth, Noctua pronuba LMagnetic compass sense in the large yellow underwing moth, Noctua pronuba LVariation in the scincid lizard Lipinia noctua and notes on other Lipinia from the New Guinea regionDistribution, identification and rate of spread of Noctua pronuba (lepidoptera: noctuidae) in the Northeastern United StatesNo neural evidence for dynamic auditory tuning of the A1 receptor in the ear of the noctuid moth, Noctua pronuba.On distribution,habitat and the clinal variations of the subspecies of the little owl athens noctua in China (Strigiformes:Strigidae)Parallel processing of afferent input by identified interneurones in the auditory pathway of the noctuid moth Noctua pronuba (L.).The application of X-ray spectrometry to analysis of elemental composition (chemoprinting) in the study of migration of Noctua pronu...