Richard Milhous Nixon 理查德•米尔豪斯•尼克松: (1913~1994),美国第三十七任总统(1969~1974年)。
Nixon[ 'niksn ]
n.vice president under Eisenhower and 37th President of the United States; resigned after the Watergate scandal in 1974 (1913-1994)
同义词:Richard NixonRichard M. NixonRichard Milhous NixonPresident Nixon
Mr. Nixon have the floor. 尼克松先生发言。
Kennedy,43, became the youngest person and the first Roman Catholic elected to the presidency with his narrow victory over Nixon. 最终43岁的肯尼迪以微弱多数,击败尼克松,成为美国最年轻也是第一位罗马天主教总统。
Nixon told us that "the time is past for the United States to compete with one hand tied behind one's back." 尼克松告诉我们“美国可毫不费力地与人竞争的时代已一去不复返了。”
Is, as Mr. Nixon said, our prestige at an all time high? 是否如尼克松先生所说,我们的声望正前所未有的高?
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