niobous英 [naɪ'əʊbəs] 美 [naɪ'oʊbəs]
Corticosteroid rescue treatment of progressive fibroproliferation in late ARDS. Patterns of response and predictors of outcome.Phylogeography of the ocean quahog ( Arctica islandica ): influences of paleoclimate on genetic diversity and species rangeEffect of Various Diuretic Treatments on Rosiglitazone-Induced Fluid RetentionEffects of Protocalliphora parasites on nestling food composition in Corsican Blue Tits Parus caeruleus: consequences for nestling p...Rheology of polymer blends: non-linear model for viscoelastic emulsions undergoing high deformation flowsMarked differences in tissue-specific expression of chitinases in mouse and manSynthetic biopolymer nanocomposites for tissue engineering scaffoldsQuillen closed model structures for sheavesBacterial vaginosisThe Effects of U.S. Trade Protection and Promotion Policies: Protectionist Threats and Foreign Direct Investment