nivation英 [naɪ'veɪʃən] 美 [naɪ'veɪʃən]
- Nivation is a collective name for the different processes that occur under a snow patch. The primary processes are mass wasting and the freeze and thaw cycle, in which fallen snow gets compacted into firn or névé.
NivationNivationNivationNIVATIONNivationNivation and cryoplanation: the case for scrutiny and integrationNivation Hollows and Glacial Cirques in Söderåsen, Scania, South Sweden‘Little Ice Age’ nivation activity innortheast GreenlandNivation Landforms in the Western Great Basin and Their Paleoclimatic SignificanceFreeze-Thaw Activity at a Nivation Site in Northern NorwayQuantitative evaluation of nivation in the Colorado Front RangeNivation landforms and snowpatch erosion on two massifs in the Northern Highlands of ScotlandMass movements, nivation processes and climatic fluctuations in northern Scandinavian mountainsDistribution and effectiveness of nivation in Mediterranean mountains: Peñalara (Spain)