nival英 ['naɪvəl] 美 ['naɪvəl]
The North Atlantic Climate and Northwestern Mediterranean plankton variabilityParticle Retention Efficiencies of an Herbivorous Copepod, Acartia clausi (Adult and Copepodite Stages): Effects on GrazingAn Experimental Investigation of a Flagellate-Ciliate-Copepod Food Chain with Some Observations Relevant to the Linear Biomass Hypot...Dimethyl sulfide production during natural phytoplanktonic bloomsClimate control on the long-term anomalous changes of zooplankton communities in the Northwestern MediterraneanZooplankton Community During the Transition from Spring Bloom to Oligotrophy in the Open NW Mediterranean and Effects of Wind Events...Model of copepod growth and development: moulting and mortality in relation to physiological processes during an individual moult cy...Zooplankton Community During the Transition from Spring Bloom to Oligotrophy in the Open NW Mediterranean and Effects of Wind Events...A modelling study of the respective role of hydrodynamic processes and larval mortality on larval dispersal and recruitment of benth...A pelagic ecosystem model simulating production and sedimentation of biogenic particles: role of salps and copepods