Nibelung[ 'ni:bəluŋ ]
- n.
- (German mythology) a companion or follower of Siegfried
- (German mythology) any of the race of dwarfs who possessed a treasure hoard that was stolen by Siegfried
The Nibelung Treasure in EnglishWagner's 'Ring of the Nibelung': CompanionWagner y el fantástico mundo de los NibelungosDon Quijote en el país de los Nibelungos (1700-1800)Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung : a companion : the full German textMy Opinion Upon The Leitmotiv of The Nibelung's Ring by R. WagnerSonhos e Vis es: a cultura popular germanica pela luz dos NibelungosEl "Anillo del Nibelungo"y su recepción en la obra temprana de Thomas Mann: a propósito de "Sangre de Welsas"O Mito do Drag o na Escandinávia (Parte Três: As Sagas e o Sistema Nibelungiano)Wagner’s Ring in 1848: New Translations of the Nibelung Myth and Siegfried’s Death. By Edward R. Haymes.