neencephalon英 [ni:en'sefəlɒn] 美 [nien'sefəlɒn]
- n.the part of the brain having the most recent phylogenetic origin; the cerebral cortex and related parts
Effects of outer qigong energy on electric discharge of neencephalon epilepsy in Rattus norregicusCephalic evidence for the affinities of TubulidentataZur Pharmakologie der StickstoffwasserstoffsäureInfantile Encephaloneuromyopathy and Defective Mitochondrial Translation Are Due to a Homozygous RMND1 MutationNeonatal mitochondrial encephaloneuromyopathy due to a defect of mitochondrial protein synthesis[Effect of gonadotropins on the rhinencephalon and diencephalon of the rabbit.]Increasing p16INK4a expression decreases forebrain progenitors and neurogenesis during ageingSonic hedgehog controls stem cell behavior in the postnatal and adult brainNeuroanatomy of memory.Neurons arise in the basal neuroepithelium of the early mammalian telencephalon: A major site of neurogenesis