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Structure and Reactivity of Mixed ω-Carboxyalkyl/Alkyl Monolayers on Silicon: ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy and Contact Angle TitrationConformable absorbent articleThe Dissociation of Sterically Hindered AcidsBinding of diffusible molecules by macromolecules: rapid measurement by rate of dialysis.J. Biol. Chem. 244:774-777Aging of poly(lactide)/poly(ethylene glycol) blends. Part 1. Poly(lactide) with low stereoregularityBiomarker metabolites capturing the metabolite variance present in a rice plant developmental periodDifferences in susceptibility of Arabidopsis ecotypes to crown gall disease may result from a deficiency in T-DNA integrationReview of Chemometrics Applied to Spectroscopy: 1985-95, Part 3 â Multi-way AnalysisAging of poly(lactide)/poly(ethylene glycol) blends. Part 2. Poly(lactide) with high stereoregularity30 – Review of Chemometrics Applied to Spectroscopy : Multiway Analysis