name-calling英 [ˈneimˌkɔ:liŋ] 美 [ˈnemˌkɔlɪŋ]
name-calling[ 'neim,kɔ:liŋ ]
- n.verbal abuse; a crude substitute for argument
同义词:name callingnames
Name-calling.Name callingNAME-CALLINGName-calling and complianceWhat is so bad about a little name-calling? Negative consequences of gender harassment for overperformance demands and distress.Words that Wound: A Tort Action for Racial Insults, Epithets, and Name-CallingMethod and kit of materials to intercept name-calling and hurtful language in schoolHomophobic Name-Calling Among Secondary School Students and Its Implications for Mental HealthName-calling and nicknames in a sample of primary school childrenWhat Is So Bad About a Little Name-Calling?Adult Recollections of Name-calling at SchoolIntergroup name-calling and conditions for creating assertive bystanders.Promoting peer intervention in name-calling