释义名字是=name is;
A WEB NAME DISAMBIGUATION APPROACH BASED ON LDA AND NAME'S CONTEXT SNIPPETSThe name's the thing : creating the perfect name for your company or productDesign Curves for Name's Hinged WavemakerStylistic origin of name's articles in Song DynastySystems of Oppression, the Globalization of Neoliberalism and NAME's Calls to ActionThe Name's the Thing: Promoting Ohio Towns During the Era of Good FeelingsExploration on Thought of Dharmakaya in The Southern Dynasty : on the Basis of The Commentary on the Unknown Name's Buddhist Scriptu...A Study on Name's Origin of Lisu Nationality and MeaningsA Development of a Reference-Dependent Interpretation of a Name's Sense : From McDowell to EvansTHE NAME'S NOT THE SAME