v.(使)训练过度( overtrain的第三人称单数 );
用作动词(v.)- They trained three to four times per week out of concern they would "overtrain"or become stale.
Mayors Blast Officials over Train Horn RuleA Study on Numerical Simulation of 3D Turbulent Flows Over TrainsResearch on DNA Damage of Lymphocytes Induced by ROS Mediated by NADPH-Oxidase in Neutrophils and Intervention after OvertrainingOvertraindheid in de sport: stand van zaken en mogelijkheden voor preventieCrossrail Hits the Buffers; New Doubts over Train SchemeOvertraindheid: diagnose, behandeling en vroegtijdige indicatorenPLC overtrain_dataOvertraindheid*KINESIOLOGY - MEDICAL APPROACH TO THE STRESS REMOVAL AS A PROBLEM IN PROFESSIONAL SPORT FOR OCCURRENCE OF FATIGUE AND OVERTRAINING F...Arlington Mayor Urges Residents to Sound Alarm over Train Horns