outwore英 [aʊt'wɔ:] 美 [aʊt'wɔ]
v.比…经久,使筋疲力尽,用旧( outwear的过去式 );
Probing into the Significance of Positive Influence of Out-word Bound in University Student's Mental HealthFeasibility analysis of expanding outword bound in school P.E. of ChinaThe Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Research on the Introduction of Out-word Bound to Specialized P. E. in CollegeThe Research of Out-word Bound Launched in the PE Coureses in Universities on Influencing Undergraduates' Psychological DiathesisLeave-one-out Word Alignment without Garbage Collector EffectsThe Research of Outword Bound and Group CounselingEffect of H2O2 on transient outword potassium current in the cultured rat hippocampal neuronsEx-KEB Chief to Put out Word on Housing Ennis Will Stress Mentor ProgramSebelius in City to Put out Word on Health Care Plan; and She Has Sharp Criticism for the State's Efforts to Impede ObamacareBuffalo Grove Police Put out Word on Scam Artists