2025-03-14 22:40:17
英 ['ɒskjʊlənt] 美 ['ɒskjʊˌlənt]
  • adj.


  • 英英释义


    • In mathematical invariant theory, the osculant or tacinvariant or tact invariant is an invariant of a hypersurface that vanishes if the hypersurface touches itself, or an invariant of several hypersurfaces that osculate, meaning that they have a common point where they meet to unusually high order.



    Osculant: A Multiprocessor Self-Organizing Task Scheduler
    Osculant: a multiprocessor self-organizing task scheduler
    XVI. Observations on the osculant Crustaceous Genus Arcturus of Latreille; with the Description of a British Species
    Osculant: a self-organizing scheduling and resource management scheme in a network computing environment
    Osculant a self-organizing scheduling and resource management scheme in a network computing environment
    Sur les surfaces cubiques non réglées osculant un plan le long d’une droite
    A Relation Between Polar Conics and Osculant Conics of a Nodal Cubic
    Sur un lieu en connexion avec une famille de courbes osculant les extrémales d’une intégrale
    The relation between tangents and osculant (n-1)-ics of rational plane curves
    Surfaces algébriques s'osculant le long de courbes.



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