oscula英 ['ɒskjʊlə] 美 ['ɒskjələ]
n.(海绵等的)排水孔,吸附器官,吸盘(osculum的复数);孔,孔口( osculum的名词复数 );
Oscula veterumOscula marinianaOscula sponsae et sponsi sanguinumNec dulces occurrent oscula nati/ praeripere... (Lucr. III,895 s.)Pump water or produce larvae? Oscula occulusion during the reproductive period of the sponge Svenzea zeaiOscula iungit nec moderata satis nec sic a virgine danda: Ovid's Callisto Episode, Female Homoeroticism, and the Study of Ancient Se...Sulla superficie di ordine (n+v) 2 che oscula nel punto origine una falda di Halphen di ordine n e classe vMemoirs: Note on a Sieve-like Membrane across the Oscula of a Species of Leucosolenia, with some Observations on the Histology of th...Determination of osculating planes and radii of curvature in a multiple point of a skew curve. (Détermination des plans osculateurs...Patterns of abundance and maturity among three species of parasitic nematodes ( Pseudoterranova decipiens , Contracaecum osculatum ,...