orthographical英 [ˌɔ:θə'græfɪkəl] 美 [ˌɔθə'græfɪkəl]
Direct orthographical mapping for machine transliterationThe role of phonological representations in orthographical lexical accessAssessment of Orthographical Processing in Spanish Children with Dyslexia: The Role of Lexical and Sublexical Units.Automatic reconstruction of solid from a set of the orthographical three viewsStrategies for visual word recognition and orthographical depth: A multilingual comparison.Lateralized effects of orthographical irregularity and auditory memory load on the kinematics of transcription typewritingERP correlates of the development of orthographical and phonological processing during Chinese sentence readingFinite state tokenisation of an orthographical disjunctive agglutinative language: The verbal segment of Northern SothoTriphone Analysis: A Combined Method for the Correction of Orthographical And Typographical ErrorsThe processing of phonological, orthographical, and lexical information of Chinese characters in sentence contexts: an ERP study.