ornamentally英 [ˌɔ:nə'mentəlɪ] 美 [ˌɔnə'mentəlɪ]
ornamentally[ ,ɔ:nə'mentəli ]
- adv.in an ornamental, nonfunctional manner
Ornamentally InspiredMethod for ornamentally decorating an inanimate objectORNAMENTALLY IMPORTANT SPECIES OF MUSA L. (MUSACEAE) IN ASSAM, INDIALaying Tiles Ornamentally: An approach to structuring container traversalsMethod of making a needled and ornamentally patterned fleece materialIn Vitro Mass Propagation of Ornamentally and Medicinally Important Coelogyne flaccida Lindl. through Pseudobulb SegmentsResearch as regard to the biologically and ornamentally valuation of a fifteen gladioli cultivars assortment.Asymbiotic Germination of Immature Seeds in an Ornamentally Important'Fox-tail ’Orchid, Aerides multiflora RoxbStorage and Germination Treatments for Seeds of an Ornamentally Important Palm, Livistonia rotundifolia (Lam.) MartTissue Partitioning During Leaf Development in Ornamentally-grown Frithia pulchra (Mesembryanthemaceae), a ‘Window Plant’